Murphy, Michael
InDesign CS6: HTML
Cover des Mediums: InDesign CS6: HTML

Today, nearly all print content is destined for a life beyond ink and paper, whether it's EPUB, the iPad, or the web. Adobe InDesign content is unique in that it can be efficiently migrated from your print layout to HTML. Author Michael Murphy shows how InDesign marks up your content when exported to HTML, and how you can gain maximum control of the process. In step-by-step tutorials, Michael walks through the export process for text, lists, tables, images, frames, and other objects, then exports a full layout that's linked to a customized CSS file and uses web-based fonts.

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Personen: Murphy, Michael

Murphy, Michael:
InDesign CS6: HTML : LinkedIn, 2013. - 02:46:53.00

Zugangsnummer: EM-1505218907
Signatur: eLearning - LEO-SUED Medien