Donaldson, Juliua
The Gruffalo

A mouse took a stroll thriugh the deep dark wood. A fox saw the mouse and the mouse lookerd good. Walk further into the dark wood, and discover what happens when the quick-thinking mouse comes face to face with an owl, a snake and a hungry gruffalo...

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Personen: Scheffler, Axel (Ill.) Donaldson, Juliua

Donaldson, Juliua:
¬The¬ Gruffalo / Juliua Donaldson ; Axel Scheffler. - Liondon : Maxumillan Childreens Book, 1999. - 26 ungez. S.; überw. Ill.
ISBN 978-0-333-71093-7

Zugangsnummer: 0021953001 - Barcode: 03149515
JD.FE - Signatur: JD.FE Don - Fremdsprachen